Sunday, March 30, 2008


Terapi auto urin sudah dilakukan di India sejak 5.000 th yang lalu. Masyarakat di Eropa juga sudah mengenalnya sejak 4.000 th yang lalu. Namun di Cina baru diketahui sejak 1700 th yang lalu . Sedangkan di Jepang baru 700 th yang lalu dan hingga kini masih dijalankan oleh sebagian masyarakat.

Di India kuno orang lazim merawat kesehatan dengan minum satu gelas air seni setiap hari. Kebiasaan ini masih dilakukan oleh sebagian besar masyarakat, bahkan adapula orang penting yang pernah melakukannya demi kesehatan pribadinya. Sebagai contoh, pemimpin india , mantan perdana menteri Morarjibhai Desai, merupakan pelopor terapi urin dengan minum 1 gelas air seni setiap pagi. Morarjibhai melakukan hal ini demi menjaga kesehatan badannya. Ia minum mulai umur 65 tahun , selama 36 tahun sampai dia umur 100 tahun. Ia menuliskan pengalaman pribadinya di majalah Time pada tahun 1979.

Dalam literatur Cina kuno Shang Han Lung ( treatise on febrile disease ) yang ditulis oleh Chang Yi pada Dinasti han ( 1700 th lalu ) terdapat catatan terapi urin, yang konon berkhasiat untuk melancarkan peredaran darah, penenang, dan menghilangkan panas dalam, penyakit mata serta luka pukul.

Terapi urin dipercaya dapat menyembuhkan berbagai jenis penyakit, seperti kanker, maag, radang usus, bronkhitis, asma, penyakit jantung, aritmia, tekanan darah tinggi/ rendah, saluran kemih, kelenjar prostat membesar, rematik, radang sendi, psoriasis, SLE, mandul, osteoporosis, insomnia, epilepsi, sakit kepala, sakit pinggang, hepatitis, sirosis, dan juga bisa membuat kulit menjadi halus, flek-flek kulit hilang, rambut uban menjadi hitam kembali, melancarkan peredaran darah, melancarkan kencing dan menghilangkan sembelit.

Dosis terapi urin tidak terbatas , artinya makin banyak urin yang diminum makin cepat sembuhnya. Tidak bisa keracunan dan overdosis. Tidak ada efek samping , tetapi reaksi yang ditimbulkanya adalah disebut reaksi Koten ( Bhs Jepang ) atau Meigen ( bhs Cina ) yang artinya jika terjadi gejala-gejala seperti gatal, mencret, ngilu, batuk-batuk, kembung, sembelit, gigi dan gusi ngilu dan nyeri, kepala pening dsb, ini berarti bahwa penyakitnya akan sembuh.

Jika terjadi reaksi Koten atau meigen, jangan takut atau panik, boleh berhenti dulu 2-3 hari, setelah hilang gejalanya , hari ke 4 mulai minum lagi urin. Kalau mau minum terus juga tidak apa-apa. Juga boleh minum obat dokter untuk menghilangkan gejalanya sambil tetap minum air seni.


1. Untuk menjaga kesehatan dan kebugaran
Minimal 1 gelas ( 100 – 200 cc ) setiap pagi habis bangun tidur.

2. Untuk pengobatan penyakit
Minimal 3 gelas setiap hari, pagi setelah bangun tidur, 1 jam setelah jam 12.00 makan siang dan 1 jam setelah makan malam.

3. Untuk pengobatan kanker
Minimal 5 gelas setiap hari. Pertama pagi setelah bangun tidur. Kedua jam 10 pagi. Ketiga 1 jam setelah makan siang. Ke 4 jam 4 sore. Ke lima 1 jam setelah makan malam.

4. Puasa urin
Terapi ini memang drastis, tetapi hasilnya memang hebat. Caranya hanya minum air putih dan urin saja dan tidak makan apa-apa sepanjang hari, untuk beberapa hari, beberapa minggu dan maksimal 50 hari. Cara ini harus dibawah pengawasan ahli urinoterapis.

5. Dosis 1000 cc @ setiap kali minum 100 cc
Mulai minum 1 jam setelah makan malam 100 cc. lalu antara jam 20-22 mungkin bisa minum 2 kali. Antara jam 22.00- 06.00 pagi, waktu tidur, jika bangun minum 100 cc, jika 2 – 3 kali bangun minum 2- 3 kali sampai yang jam 5-6 pagi. Beri jarak 1 jam , jam 07.00 pagi makan pagi plus semua obat dokter diminum ,1 jam kemudian minum lagi @ 100 cc setiap kencing sampai jam 12.00 siang. Sisa kencing yang tidak diminum jangan dibuang akan tetapi dikumpulkan dalam waskom. Setelah jam 12.00 siang sampai 17.00, urin tidak diminum lagi tetapi dikumpulkan dalam waskom yang sama. Jam 17.00 sebelum mandi , urin dalam waskom dipanaskan sampai hangat kuku atau kira-kira 40 derajat celcius. Kencing hangat ini dipakai untuk luluran dan pijat. Ambil handuk kecil atau waslap, celupkan dalam urin hangat, peres, lalu digosok gosokan dan dilulurkan mulai dari kepala, muka,leher, tangan, dada, badan terus sampai kaki. Ulangi pijatan da luluran ini selama 1 jam. Begitu selesai , lalu langsung mandi. Tidak usah pakai sabun dan shampoo. Tidak ada baunya.


Ya, boleh dimakan. Obat dari dokter tetap boleh dimakan dulu bersamaan dengan urin. Hanya beri jarak 1 jam, sebelum dan setelah minum urin. Sebaiknya obat dokter dimakan bersamaan dengan waktu makan pagi , siang dan malam.


Setelah minum urin 1 bulan, lalu check up ke dokter, jika gejala penyakit stabil, bulan berikutnya , obat dokter boleh dikurangi secara bertahap ( konsultasikan kembali dengan dokter anda ). Air seni tetap diminum untuk beberapa bulan sampai betul-betul gejala penyakit tetap stabil.

Nah kalau sudah stabil sekarang boleh dicoba untuk mengurangi dosis urin. Secara bertahap untuk mengurangi maintenance dose ( dosis pemeliharaan sehari-hari ). Jika mula-mula 9 – 10 kali maka, setiap 2- 4 minggu dosis dapat dikurangi 1 kali, jadi dari 10 kali menjadi 9 kali, jika dua minggu lagi masih stabil menjadi 8 kali dst. Umpamanya nanti setelah mencapai hanya 3 kali minum urin @ 100 cc, maka penyakitnya kumat, maintenance dose anda adalah 4 kali minum, Dan maintenance dose ini terus diminum untuk seumur hidup anda. Tetapi sudah tidak perlu makan obat lagi !.

Sunday, March 16, 2008

7 Tips On How To Make A Good Resume

It's the question on almost every job seeker's list: How to make a good resume?

After all, if your resume is no good, it won't get past the Human Resources department and you won't get a chance to shine at the job interview.

So your resume is your first step to making sure that you get the job you deserve.

Follow these top resume writing tips to give yourself the best possible chance of your CV making a good impression.

1. Don't be arty

Using too many fonts looks cluttered and awkward. Check your favorite newspaper or magazine. Chances are that you'll find they only use a couple fonts and these are the regular "boring" Times New Roman and Arial or their equivalents. Do the same or something close.

2. Bullet point your accomplishments

Unless you've just left school or have only ever flipped burgers for a living, chances are that you've done some things that can be counted as accomplishments. Sing your own praises here without sounding like you could make the president of the company relinquish command because you're so much better than them.

3. Write in the third person

Over-use of the word "I" is a common mistake in resumes. And only use the present tense if you're still doing the things you're writing about in your current job.

4. Cut out the irrelevant dead wood

Who cares what you did 30 years ago? Unless it really is relevant to the position you're applying for today and chances are that near enough every job has moved on in that kind of timescale. Sure, your school grades were important when you got your first job out of school. But are they still necessary?

5. Be careful what you give away that could stand against you

Equal opportunities employers are supposed to be everywhere. But we live in the real world. Even if your application has a separate section so that things like your ethnicity and sex, make sure other things don't give away too much if you think there's even a hint that your prospective employer is less "equal" than you might like. Sad that you may need to consider this, I know.

6. Show you're human

Unless you're applying to be a geek at the NSA then you need to have a life in the real world. Hobbies, interests, that kind of thing. Whether it's watching movies, being a member of your local cycle club or whatever. Make sure that you put down at least some hobbies and interests. Of course, your membership of the local peace activists society may not sit well with your application to join a producer of military hardware, so you may occasionally need to leave things unsaid.

7. Proofread. Then proofread again

Face it, spell checkers can't spell. They don't know their "no" from their "know". In fact, they're fairly clueless. And that grammar checker is a laugh. Don't rely on them. Start by printing off your resume and reading it out loud. Wherever you stumble is a place that needs improving. Ideally get a friend to read it out loud as well. They'll spot things you didn't. Correct these

Adsense on your website

Implementing Adsense on your website by Rajeev Guglani

Adsense is vital part of Google marketing. This allows webmasters to put content relevant advertisements on their websites. If a visitor clicks one of the adsense ads served to the website, the owner is credited for referral. There are certain guidelines that should be followed white creating adsense on a webpage.

Through adsense you can place ad blocks on your webpage. Threre are different opinions about where these adblocks should be placed. Well, the correct placement is to make them blend with the rest of website so that visitors can could find it as useful as content. Mixing these ad blocks with the content should create a natural flow throughout the page. It requires a proper positioning with great care. Generally three ad blocs can be created on web page. The basic aim is to get the visitors click, so position the ads accordingly. The question that arises is where the user clicks. Well it's said that the most user clicks on the top left of the page.

You can add borders, colors and links etc to ads to make it pop out on the page, the main consideration is what your visitors are searching for when they come to your site. When visitors are looking for some information or solution to a problem, they would go through the content and click on the link assisting in providing them the information. If they visit site for product shopping then its better to have your ads stand out. So when you are building your web pages, you should always keep the visitors in mind.

It's generally believed that horizontal ads receive more clicks than the vertical ads. As person is used to read horizontally, so they are more likely to get attracted in this layout. So large rectangular ads that read more horizontally have been proved to get more clicks. Ads which are placed above the page footer, below the navigation at the top of the page and on the top left hand side of the page generally get the great click through than the others. The place which is near the middle and above the main content is also considered as good to put your ad blocks.

In case you have created three ad blocs on your page and you want to create more without breaking any adsense rule, you can add Google link units in this case. They are great way to place ads that look like as if they are natural part of site navigation menu but when they are clicked on they take you to a page or targeted ads that are related to your website topic. So you need a lot of thinking while designing the

Adsense Tips

Google Adsense Tips and Tricks... by Pat Watt

Every single website and its owner have the opportunity to make some great money by displaying Google Adsense ads on it. Although many webmasters are making a nice income with these ads, many aren't. Many people say that all you have to do is put up a website and you'll be making over $100 a day with Google Adsense. It does sound simple and it is, but you will need to optimize your site so that you do generate more and more clicks on the ads that are sitting on your site.

The first thing that you need to do is to Place the Google Adsense ads in the right spot of the page. This will determine how much money you will make each day. It is very important that you place the ad at the top of the page (above the fold) on your website in order to get the most clicks.

What this really means is that you will want to place the Adsense code that Google gives you high enough on the page so that your visitors do not have to scroll down to see the Google ads. If you choose to have the ads right at the top above everything else then do that.

By placing the Google Adsense ads at the top of your website above the fold, there is a greater chance that people will click on the ad, which will help your site generate a higher click through rate also known as CTR. The reason for this is because the majority of your visitors will not scroll down the page and look at it. A lot of the time, people look over the top part of the page without worrying about scrolling down.

The way you blend the ads with the rest of your page can determine if the ad is visually appealing or not. It is very crucial to make the Google Adsense ads look like your site and not another ad. You can do this by making the font and color of the ad's text similar to the rest of the page. I also recommend that you blend the background of the ad with the background of your page. It should basically have the same color.

Google gives you the option to go into your account and customize your ads in different fonts and colors. This will help you blend the ads to your site. Make sure that you don't use the banner ads on your site because this will decrease your click through rate.

People who visit your website usually try to avoid any banner and picture ads that they see. If you want to increase your click through rate, you will want to add text ads. Google gives you that option so use it.

Here are some other small tips to increase your Adsense income:

1. Google has confirmed that using the 336x280 rectangle ad block size does have the highest click through rate. Using this ad size will increase your click through rate and the income that you generate.

2. Using a blue underline for the links can also improve your click through rate. This allows the ads to actually stand out and look clickable.

If you follow the advice given above, you can improve your CTR and make more money with Google Adsense.

Adwords And Adsense

Adwords And Adsense - What Do They Mean? by mark coverdale

As an internet marketer you will come across both of the terms Adwords and Adsense at some stage. As a new internet marketer you will be learning many things and these words will probably not be familiar to you.

In fact it can even become quite confusing when there seems so much to learn that you may push these aside and put them in the 'learn later' folder.

Adwords and Adsense are both terms you will hear a lot of and given time you will possibly use both of them.

So what are Adwords and Adsense?

Let's start with Adwords.

Adwords is the term used for advertising on Google. If you search for a word on Google you will get probably thousands of results come up with the first page displaying perhaps the first ten results. These results appear on the left side of the page.

You will also notice on the right side of the page there is a list that appears. This list is the Adwords ads that marketers pay to have displayed on the Google search engine.

These ads are also displayed within websites. You can choose whether to have your advertisement displayed on other people's websites or only on the search engine results page.

The advertiser is charged each time someone clicks on his/her advertisement.

So if you are promoting your website or product, or an affiliate product, you may want to use Adwords advertising to reach customers for that website or product.

The cost of advertising with Adwords depends on the keywords you use for your ad. You place a bid on your keywords and your ad is then displayed in order by the highest bidder for that keyword. So if your keyword bid is the second highest your ad will appear in the second spot.

Keyword value will vary with each word and with different topics. Some keywords will need very high bids to achieve a high spot in the advertising displays.

Adsense is also a service offered by Google, but instead of you being the advertiser paying for the Adwords ad, you are the website owner who is being paid a percentage of that cost for having the ads displayed on your website.

Those same Adwords ads that are also displayed on websites, you can have on your website. You will get paid an amount every time someone clicks on one of the ads displayed on your website.

Google will automatically put ads on your site that relate to the topic of your website. You will need to place the advertisement blocks within your pages and select they styles and colors that best suit your site.

Then you just need to drive traffic to your site so that you will have people clicking on those ads.

Google Adsense can be a very good way to make some extra income if you set your site up correctly and gain traffic to your site.

Once you have this understanding of what both Adwords and Adsense are they can play a very large part in your online income achievements.

Good Adsense Publisher

how to be good adsense publisher by henri gunawan

We know that "No smoke without fire", yes! This roumors grows because google has detected lots of Indonesian

adsense publishers doing clickfraud to their own adsense ads. Google and advertiser certainly dislike this clickfraud,

and Google as a ad provider has responsibility to clean clickfraud from their system.

Recently, google has detected that lot of Indonesian adsense publisher has been doing clickfraud. Google and the

advertiser certainly don't like this clickfraud, and google as advertising provider has to take action. Roumors told that

google will include Indonesia into their blacklist. This means all indonesian publisher will not approved to join google

affiliate program. If this really happen, i believe it will be a very dissapointment decission for Indonesian publisher.

Because not all of Indonesian publisher doing this clickfraud. Many of them are good adsense publisher.

Let's we yell "Be a good adsense publisher!". But how to do it?? These are few guide to be good adsense publisher: 1. Never click your own adsense ads. 2. Don't ever tell your friends to click your ads. 3. Don't do exchange click with another person. 4. Follow google terms of service. Never break the rules.

I believe some of adsense publisher has not read all the terms of service from google adsense. This cause some of

publisher don't realize if they've done anything wrong. First thing to do is read and understand all of term of service from

google adsense. Second, let's review our own website that contains adsense, are they break adsense terms of service?

If our website break one or some rules from google adsense, immediately fix it.

So, let us be good adsense publisher. Because it has no meaning at all, if you earn lots of bucks but from bad ways.

Henri Gunawan is webmaster of Find out tips about internet marketing at Feel free to distribute this article as long as still has link to author's website

Money With Adsense

Who Wants To Make Money With Adsense? by Jason Isakson

Fact number 1: Kids in high school are making thousands of dollars every month with Adsense.

Fact number 2: Housewives, retirees, mom and dads, who are just staying at home and have never made a dime on the internet have created full-time incomes by simply placing Adsense ads on their web site or blog.

These are just some of the "super Adsense earners". You may have already heard about their story for they are among the few who are on their way to making millions worth of cash just by promoting Adsense sites.

Anyone, any age and gender can become money generating Adsense publishers as long as they what it takes. How does one go about this Internet advertising?

Writing articles for Adsense is the way to do it. Using the right keywords in your articles and having Google ads on a certain site has become the most profitable way of marketing that anybody can get into. No experience and level of education needed. If you are not using this strategy, or may not be aware of it in the first place, chances are you may be losing thousands of dollars worth of extra income and still do not know it yet.

This is one of the many reasons why writing original quality content articles is now the latest in marketing buzz. Content and links. When combined together becomes a really powerful tool to a successful web site and richer individuals. Many internet marketing professionals are already aware of the value of an original quality content and how using keywords can drive targeted traffic into their sites from the search engines.

So why don't all these web site owners write and submit their own articles if that is what is important?

The simple and understandable answer is that it takes time to write articles, submit them and get targeted traffic to their websites. That is why they get the services of those who can spares sometime to write the articles that would cater to their site purpose but still turn out as a good quality and unique piece of work.

To get into the Adsense marketing business and start earning some good cash, ask yourself. Did you enjoy writing when you were in school? If you answer yes to this question, you already have an initial advantage over most internet marketing business owners that wants to make money online and doing it at home.

With the boom in the Adsense market comes the need for sites to want fresh, quality and original keyword rich content. This way, web site owners can have a steady supply of articles with the proper keywords that they relate to their site contents. The result of this is seen in the sites page rank when indexed by the search engines. Which, in turn, gets moreAdsense ads to show above, below or next to the article on their website with targeted traffic.

What do people have to do?

Write quality and original content, keyword or phrase rich articles with links to your website in the resource box. Then build a website or web page with targeted keyword or phrase rich original content for the targeted traffic that originates from the articles you wrote. Finally, you will have a Google Adsense ads that are targeted to your keyword or phrase rich original content site where visitors will get to visit when they come looking for information.

A win-win situation if you think more about it. A favor for persons looking for quality content and information. For the persons writing the original content articles. And the person with the quality original content rich website. Of course, the search engines and its advertisers are getting targeted traffic and sales but so what? As long as you are getting something in your favor, it does not really matter what the others are getting for themselves.

So who else wants to start earning money with Adsense. You. Everyone. Anybody. Internet marketing has many opportunities wide open for this people. Writing articles and using Adsense for your kind of internet marketing strategy is one sure way of getting a piece of that action and cash.

Better not be left behind the many making

Reality Tv Stars

in 2000, it was pretty clear that reality TV is here to stay. Sometimes, going on a reality show propels contestants to success, even if they don't win their show. Elisabeth Hasselbeck went from Survivor to hosting The View and Jennifer Hudson lost American Idol but won an Oscar for her role in Dreamgirls. But not everyone is equipped to handle their newfound stardom.

Loss of Privacy

Going on a reality TV show propels contestants into the spotlight. Many people feel like they know the contestants on a reality show, even though they have never met. It's pretty easy to understand this phenomenon - you are welcoming these people into your home each week, and they way that most reality shows are shot make it seem like contestants are speaking directly to you. But when contestants go home, many of them are unable to return to their normal lives. Contestants are often stopped in the course of their day to day activities, sometimes for an autograph or picture, other times to be told just what they thought of their game play. It's hard for most contestants to have this lack of anonymity, especially those who felt that they weren't portrayed favorably on their show.

Family and Relationships

Going on a reality TV show can have an unexpected impact on the family and relationships of contestants. Some family members of contestants have reported that they have been approached by fans, usually to complain about the actions of their son or daughter. A reality show can also put an enormous amount of strain on a relationship. Most reality TV shows are shot over the course of several months, during which contestants are isolated from family and friends. That, in itself, can be difficult for a relationship. But sometimes the most stressful part is the action of the contestants on the show. There have been instances where a contestant has cheated on their significant other while on a show, and others who were simply horrified at how their partner played the game.


There have been many contestants whose jobs have been impacted by going on a reality TV show. A show like The Apprentice may highlight reasons to hire someone. But when you are shown on a show as lying and cheating, employers notice and are not as quick to hire you. Many times contestants on reality TV shows list "model" or "bartender" as their occupation, as they are professions most able to take 2-3 months off of work without being asked questions. But contestants who are lawyers or doctors find it hard to go back to their practices; many lawyers are no longer actively practicing law.

There haven't been many studies done on the long-term impact of being on a reality TV show. But the articles that have been written show most need continued support from a mental health professional. And for most part, this is not a consequence that any of them consider